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Wonder Bread - Wonder Begins Between the Bread

Wonder Bread
Wonder Begins Between the Bread​​​​​​​
Does ketchup go on a hotdog? Does pineapple go on pizza? Does Pizza go on a sandwich? We believe anything goes on anything as long as it’s between two slices of Wonder Bread. Break convention, the world is your sandwich

Saving Money Sandwich Starters: The Young Adult’s Guide to Inexpensive Culinary Wonder

There is a sweet spot in every young adult’s life that we’ll call the wonder period. Not only because of the likeliness to buy Wonder Bread, but the wonder they have about the world. That’s why grocery stores around the nation will be distributing Wonder Bread’s cookbook & wonder journal. See how your sandwich inspires you.

Life is filled with wonder. One of the most frequent wonders we find ourselves having in the later hours of the night is, where is the food? Wonder no more because the food is coming to a bar near you. Tomorrow you may wonder if that drink was a good idea, but you’ll never wonder if that sandwich was.
The Wonder Lounge

It’s hard to innocently wonder when we’re bogged down by the stresses and distractions of the world. Find a Wonder Lounge and silence the world for a moment to become lost in your own wonders.

What type of sandwiches does your future hold? What ingredients will you find in your path? Let Wonder Bread know your wonders on social media and you will in turn learn your Sandwich Sign. It isn’t weird that you like ketchup and honey on a sandwich, you’re just a sauce dripping, white bread rising sign.
Social Sandwiches Never End…
Bread, and cheese, and peanut butter, and a fish, and a hint of pineapple, and… keep putting the AND in sandwich.
Wonder Bread - Wonder Begins Between the Bread


Wonder Bread - Wonder Begins Between the Bread
